
A new offer for businesses: An innovative team-building workshop


Warsztaty z robotami dla firm - komunikacja i budowanie zespołuTeam-building is now one of the most challenging tasks for managers. It is about creating a team of people who cooperate and communicate with one another. One of the tools which can facilitate this task is a workshop prepared by us in cooperation with Go4Robot. If you run a business, manage a department or work in HR, check out our innovative team-building solution.

We prepared our offer, “Communication and team-building – a workshop with robots”, using our extensive experience in supporting businesses for the last 20 years. This, combined with passion and involvement of Go4Robot trainers, let us create a workshop based on the LSP LEGO® Serious Play methodology which helps us share important information about communication with the participants. It also creates the atmosphere of fun and competition. It is a business workshop and a team-building event which will make the participants feel relaxed and involved.

The event is an alternative to traditional workshops. The programme is tailored to the needs of executives and other workers. Before the meeting with a client we try to explore the needs and problems of any team which is going to take part in the event. In this way we are able to focus on the most important matters and to meet all your expectations.

More information about the workshop

Contact information: tel. +48 668 115 750, e-mail: