
Our tenant the winner of InnovMatch 2017



We’re delighted to announce that Apollogic is the winner of the innovation contest InnovMatch Challenge!

InnovMatch is one of the largest programming competition in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. It brings together innovators, start-ups, developers, innovative IT companies, students, potential customers, and prominent start-up support environment organizations as sponsors. Thanks to Open Innovation formula, the participants delivered solutions to the big companies’ challenges, mainly in the field of using the potential of solutions such as Big Data, predictive analytics, the Internet of Things or machine teaching. The prize in the competition was 15,000 euro.

Representatives of Apollogic presented the future of surgery, or technology that shows in real time, and even in three dimensions, information about patients. The project of our Tenant allows surgeons to analyze and visualize patient data using VR glasses.

Apollogic was represented by Paweł Skiba and Jakub Własnyat the Startup Challenge gala in Prague.

Visit Youtube to find out more about the solution: Apollogic