
We are working on new business models with Volkswagen Poznań


VW Poznan i PPNT Poznan - wspolne warsztaty3Modern economy is based on road transport, while the rapidly changing markets and clients’ needs create new challenges for car producers. PSTP experts are helping one of the world’s largest car manufacturers to develop new business ideas to face these challenges.

On August 7 an interdisciplinary workshop with Volkswagen Poznań will take place at PSTP. The event will be attended by the representatives of the Management Board of VW Poznań, selected staff members and guests, as well as Poznan Science and Technology Park experts who will be in charge of the workshop.

The ideas developed during the workshop will be further analysed, and then decisions will be made about their implementation.

The aim of the event is to support Volkswagen in creating innovative solutions which will help the company to achieve its business and social objectives. Our experts will use a unique methodology and their vast experience in developing new innovations in companies.