Strefa firm

Commercial tenants, IT

Apollogic sp. z o.o.

Apollogic sp. z o.o.

building C3, rooms 11, 27, 33a
phone: +48 61 631 10 67

A significant part of Apollogic’s expertise lies in SAP and Microsoft software consulting and implementation projects for medium and large enterprises. We specialize in ERP, BI, CRM, CX & procurement systems and create custom-made applications to automate business processes and streamline organizational workflows.

Expanding the areas in which it operates, the company has separated brands that develop solutions that leverage AI, IoT, robotic process automation, and mixed reality capabilities.

Our team consists of a group of experienced consultants, solution architects, software developers, IoT engineers, IT administrators, UX designers, and artificial intelligence and natural language processing specialists.

Our specialists support clients in identifying areas likely to be digitized, build implementation strategies and advise on how to streamline operations with technology solutions to join the ranks of digitally mature enterprises.