EYE helps you evolve and develop your own business
Why going small when everybody is going big? Why sit in your hometown, while everybody’s going abroad to gain an experience? Katarzyna Dorda, Poland, didn’t let grass grow under her feet. She decides to take part in Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs (EYE).
As a landscape architect, close to art and new media, she worked for 180 Creative Camp (180CC), one of the major events of OSTV brand, gaining experience of video production and culture events production. Katarzyna built business networks in the field of media, arts and culture, learn Portuguese language and integrate within the Portuguese culture. She also had an opportunity to spread her partnerships and media relations in Poland.
– The Erasmus For Young Entrepreneurs program gave me a chance to exchange knowledge of event production. Not only we learned from each other, learned about each other’s cultures and work style but developed a very good work relationship that will pay off in the future for both sides – wrote Katarzyna after the exchange.
In EYE there’s New Entrepreneur (NE) and Host Entrepreneur (HE). Katarzyna, as a New Entrepreneur, stayed at OSTV, TV channel and video production company. Quite early she has been given a lot of responsibilities and a chance to improve her management skills. She has been working closely with one of the major events of OSTV brand – the 180 Creative Camp (180CC). Her Host had given her such responsibilities as: maintaining international relationships with media partners, managing the invited artists, producing the event and managing the team on site. What is more OSTV had collaborated with Katarzyna on production of few other videos during music festivals such as Rock in Rio in Lisbon or NOS Primavera Sound in Porto.
Thanks to EYE, Katarzyna had a chance to gain a lot of news skills and improve some of them:
– Improvement of Portuguese language skills, communication and negotiation skills in both English and Polish through making contacts with media partners and finally video production skills also concerning organization of work and crisis management, building sets etc. – wrote Katarzyna.
Thanks to the EYE exchange, she also was able to gain media partners in Poland and start collaboration with future partners in video production world.
You can participate in the programme by filling in the application form online: www.erasmus-entrepreneurs.eu. When applying, please remember to choose Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation (a unit managing Poznan Science and Technology Park) as an IO – Intermediary Organisation. New and experienced entrepreneurs who will successfully go through the recruitment process will sign an agreement in which terms and conditions of the exchange will be stipulated. See more at: https://ppnt.poznan.pl/offer/services-for-entrepreneurs/erasmus-for-young-entrepreneurs/ .