New business opportunities thanks to the ClusterXChange GreenTech 2.0 project
Poznań Science&Technology Park, a Polish partner of the GreenTech 2.0 project consortium, hosted in March a company from Sweden. Green Buffers AB specializes in safety buffer systems for train coaches. It is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) that is a cluster member. The exchange took place for a total of 3 days.
The Agenda was prepared for a 3-day stay in Poznań. Each day took place in different organizations and institutes.
First of all, Roger Danielsson, who represented Green Buffers AB, got acquainted with the activities carried out in PPNT and also had the opportunity to visit the Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory. During the visit, he learned about the green startup ecosystem in Poland, gained new business contacts and developed skills in the areas of their business interest.
Secondly, the founder was invited to the Institute of Technology, where he had the opportunity to learn about the institution and its activities, as well as to take part in matchmaking sessions with Rail Vehicles experts.
The last day he gained knowledge about Green Smart City Poznań and Poznań Investment Potential.
Why did you decide to participate in the program?
Roger said that his goal was to learn about the Polish market, gain potential connections and contact, and start doing business in Poland.
What has been the most valuable so far?
For Roger, it was the Polish culture and the people. He has already been in Poland many times but it was many years ago. I had the opportunity to learn about the Polish business market (especially the railway vehicles market in Poland), gain new business contacts, and develop skills in railway-connected areas, and education programs (Poznań Science&Technology Park – Laboratory of Imagination). Moreover, during the visit, I had the opportunity to meet with experts Poznań Institute of Technology, and discuss future collaboration and certification agreements.
What are your further expectations of participating in the ClusterXChange program?
Finding partners and cooperation, to act and do business in Poland.
The project GreenTech 2.0 empowers green tech clusters to support SMEs in exploiting growth opportunities, service innovation, resource-efficient solutions, market traction, finding investments and internationalization. It is accompanied by strategic partnering between clusters and specialized eco-systems and cities resulting in a new, joint GreenTech Services 2.0 portfolio for participating clusters, including the implementation of the ClusterXchange Programme.
Poznan Science and Technology Park (PSTP) is the first technology park in Poland (1995). It is operated (as the key department) by Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation, a non-profit organization with the mission to stimulate collaboration between science and industry to activate regional development via innovation, technology transfer, and international cooperation.
The project GreenTech 2.0 is funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.