We were in Budapest, where we participate in the European Division Workshop organized by the Intrnational Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation. The main themes of the meeting are digitization, sustainable development and networking. During the debate on deep-tech startups, PSTP is represented by Anna Tórz – our expert on incubation and monitoring.
The meeting in Hungary was organized by our colleagues from the Hungarian Association of Science and Technology Parks.
The workshops included a speech by Laszlo Palkovics, the Hungarian Minister for Innovation and Technology, as well as science parks from Hungary as a whole and technological experts from various sectors. The President of the European Section Salvatore Majorana officially opened the event with the Director General of IASP Ebba Lundem, Norbert Morpzym, President of the Hungarian Association of Science and Technology Parks.
The issues were also about business and old-age incubation, giving participants the opportunity to discuss local best practices and debate on selection criteria, the ideal investment cycle and the right balance between state and public participation. The event ended with a debate on new ways of future planning and sustainable development, looking at international trends and how we deal with unexpected changes.