Reaxys Quick Start Guide – workshop about the use of Reaxys
On 17th of September at PPNT took place workshop about the use of Reaxys, organized by one of our Reaxys Advisors, Dawid Zieliński. The participants were Adam Mickiewicz University students, currently working on their research for bachelor and masters degrees in the Materials Synthesis Group laboratories.
First workshop titled „Reaxys Quick Start Guide” lasted few hours and during that time we practised efficient ways of asking questions in the database and how to use chemical synthesis planner. Furthermore, we mastered the ability to search specific chemical substances, their properties and chemical reactions they undergo. Thanks to the workshop, students will be able to plan their work faster and more efficiently – both, in relation to research work at the university as well as in future work e.g. in R&D departments
Reaxys is one of the largest chemical database in the world. It brings together experience and knowledge of nearly 200 years of chemistry. It is unique among research solutions in the field of chemical sciences with over 500 million published facts with information about sources and authors.
What exactly will we find in Reaxys? Over 125 million chemicals and 53 million chemical reactions, which, together with data from 6 other databases, create a multidisciplinary chemical image of a specific query. Reaxys resources are based on over 63 million scientific publications and books, as well as over 1.5 million patents (from five international patent classes: C07, A61K, IPC C07, A01N and C09B), American, European, Japanese, South Korean, Chinese and Taiwanese. The database also contains information on the market availability of chemical substances and their applications. Reaxys is constantly expanding its resources.
If you are interested in the Reaxys database or you would like to take part in the next workshop, contact us or follow the information on our social media.