Effective teamwork training: How to make it work?
Teamwork is one of the most effective methods used to solve problems, collect ideas, and foster innovation. Effective team building, however, takes time and patience. Everyone is different. When you join a team, you bring your skills and competences with you. Do you know what you can offer?
For years we have been helping many people to identify their unique competences and abilities. We have supported various teams in understanding automate processes involving human interaction. Now we would like to invite you to be part of this fun and engaging process that will help you discover your hidden talent, foster teamwork or even improve your personal relationships. You might think: how is it possible?
How is it possible?
Our effective teamwork training is a 4-hour workshop, during which you will have a chance to learn something new about yourself. The participants of our workshops are very often surprised with what they discover. Changing the perspective makes it easier for them to explore their own abilities and to improve both their business and personal relationships. However, this is not the only thing that will positively surprise you during the workshop. We have much more to offer.
Why not have some fun?
A simulation game organised during our workshop stimulates your thinking and imagination. It helps you understand various team roles, that is how people interact and communicate with one another. The game fosters creativity and helps you to get to know other people. Participants also do a manual task which allows them to think outside the box and to use the skills that they do not use on a daily basis. In this way, something you usually do not notice becomes more tangible.
We only use verified methods
The methods we use during the workshop (simulation game, Belbin Team Inventory) have been developed on the basis of extensive research. They have been used worldwide by renowned experts in the field. We like to use them because we can see the positive impact they have on workshop participants and the opportunities that these methods create. We guarantee that we will use our experience to create a safe and friendly place for you; a place that will encourage you to explore your skills.
Sign up individually or as a team
We are aware that fostering effective communication is crucial in every single team or business, regardless of whether it is made up of a small group of individuals, or many complex units and departments. Effective teamwork and a friendly atmosphere translate not only into the company’s performance but also team members’ job satisfaction. That is why our workshop is both for individuals and the whole teams. We would also like to emphasise that everyone can participate in our workshop, regardless of the field of interest, specialisation, or position.
This workshop is for you
If you want to learn something new about team roles, manage your skills effectively, and understand other people better, our teamwork training is a perfect place to achieve these goals!
For more information see >>> the Effective Teamwork Training offer